Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Books Online:

This is the Oreilly bookshelf:

Oreilly books

This is a very good website with full versios of Oreilly books.

Perl Books:

this is a very good tutorial for learning perl.

Probably my favorite perl book.

More from the same school:

Python course very good.  How to program arcade games.  

Free Education online:

Private Offerings:

Microsoft Virtual Academy.  Offers world class training on all its porfolio of products.

Virmware Training top Free Courses.  This is a list of courses geared to those looking for gettting certified in the technlogies of cloud computing.

Android Programming Classes.  Audacity offers a world class course developed by Google to learn how to develop android applications.  Anaybody with some java, or programming background can learn it.

Open Source Academies

Academic Earth

Coursera, which has partnered with top educational institution has a bunch of offerings worth checkking out.

Khan Academi.  Another well known institution.  Review will follow.

the MIT Open Courseware initiative, one of the first of its kind where you will find actual courses, and/or notes, videos, and audio.

EDX this offers 1000 of courses from leading universities. 

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